Morrow, Joe S.

1907                                  Joe S. Morrow                                  1973


Steel Great Lakes bulk freighter


Built at Lorain OH by American Ship Building Co., Hull 350
Launched Dec 15, 1906

440’ LOA, 420’ LBP, 50’ beam, 28’ depth

1 deck, arch cargo hold construction, hatches @ 12’, coal-fired boilers, triple expansion engine, 1500 IHP

Enrolled at Cleveland OH March 21, 1907 (Temp #65)
420.0 x 52.0 x 28.0, 4895 GT, 3606 NT     US 203908     to:
Masaba Steamship Co., Cleveland OH, John Mitchell, Mgr. (home port Duluth MN)

Entered service April 1907

Permanent enrollment at Duluth MN April 29, 1907 (#82)

Rebuilt 1924 at Buffalo NY
Remeasured to 4760 GT, 3470 NT

Sold 1937 to Red Arrow Steamship Co., Sheboygan WI, Reiss Steamship Co., Mgr. (home port to Wilmington DE)

Transferred 1969 to Reiss Steamship Co.

Fleet sold June 1969 to Boland & Cornelius, Buffalo NY (Fleet managed by Boland & Cornelius
but continued under former fleet name as a subsidiary of American Steamship Co.)

Sold for scrap 1973 to Marine Salvage Ltd., Port Colborne ON.  Resold to Spanish shipbreakers.
Wintered at Quebec QC.  Cleared Quebec QC April 19, 1974  under tow with str. Henry LaLiberte.  Tow arrived at Santander Spain May 8, 1974.


IMO 5172456


See history in Great Lakes Ships We Remember II p. 241




11 thoughts on “Morrow, Joe S.

  1. I, C. Lamont Wharton, was a deckhand on the USS Joe S. Morrow 1969. I have added my account of that in my book, The Impossibility of Reason – an autobiographical story of my youth.

  2. I was a deckwatchman on Str. Joseph S. Morrow in the summer of 1970. I come across my Thanksgiving menu, and the captain at the time was Kurth Grainger.Our last trip of the year was coming from either Superior or Duluth headed for Cleveland. We run into a bad gale in November on lake Superior,I was only 18yrs old at the time,it was the most freightening time of my life up to that point.We made it to Cleveland with 15 inch list on the ship,and all the rooms were in shambles. I guess I didn’t learn anything after all that because I sailed on the Ben W Calvin the next year.

  3. Sailed on the Morrow as a deckhand the summer of 1972. Mostly loading grain in Duluth/Superior and unloading in Detroit or Buffalo. Was still hand fired till the end. Chief Engineer was delighted to make 10 knots.

  4. Just found a framed black and white photo of the ship, dated 1965, among my deceased mother’s belongings. My grandfather, Robert Vanderlake, was a freighter captain and I do recall hearing the name of the ship bantered about as a kid.

    • My grandfather (jack king) was a wheelsman? on the Joe s Morrow in the 60s-70, based out of buffalo. I remember picking him up and dropping him off at port as kid

      • My grandfather (jack king) was a wheelsman? on the Joe s Morrow in the 60s-70, based out of buffalo. I remember picking him up and dropping him off at port as kid

    • Hello, I worked as a deckhand on the Morrow in the summer of 1966. The boson was a fantastic guy that I can’t remember his name. Sailed from Detroit to Duluth to Toledo. I remember stocking the charcoal burning stove every night with charcoal and how cool the stove looked. Just wish I had a camera to record some of it. If you have a picture and you can send a screen shot of it I’d really love to see it. Thanks, Joe

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